Sunday, March 2, 2008


To highlight the ratio of guys to girls in platteville, the tri-plex house that we live in houses 6 guys and 2 girls. I became instant friends with the guys that live in the other two apartments. Interestingly, they are all part of the same fraternity, Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE). They all have nicknames, and are rarely called by their real names. They invited me over to the TKE house to hang out and meet the other guys. To make a long story short, I am friends with pretty much all of the active TKEs(/Tekes), and hang out with them every weekend, and sometimes during the week. Also, I dated two of them.

Me and Steve, one of the guys that lives in the apartment across the hall. Steve is an exception to the nickname rule, unless he is drunk. Then he is known as Pigpen.

Fonix, Hammy, Wookie, me, and Tonto outside Denny's after their Fall Banquet at the Dells.
Me and Worm, another neighbor from across the hall.

Alex and Trevin. Trevin's nickname is Brock, but I think that Trevin is a neat name, so that's what I call him. He's also one of my neighbors.

Alex and I dated for a while. We are seeing each other again, but aren't "official". His nickname is Leon, but mostly the TKEs call him Puffer(his last name). Alex is in the Army, and is getting sent to Iraq soon. This is his last semester at Platteville until he gets back from Iraq, which will be about a year and a half. I'm so sad he's leaving, and I'm going to be so worried about him. Every time I even think about it, I get teary-eyed. On a lighter note, Alex just got promoted from Private to Specialist. He is still doing the same job, he just gets more money and "gets to boss other people around for once".

Call me weird, but I love the way his eyes crinkle when he REALLY smiles.

The only 'kiss' picture I've ever taken. And I think it's adorable. So sue me.

I have a few friends that are girls, but not many. Just too much drama!

Anyway, the few chick friends that I have are crazy fun to be around, and 3 of them are dating TKEs!

Kelley and Tiff. Kelley is dating Trevin, and Tiff is dating Xander.

Kristin and Kari. Kristin is dating Tazz. Kari's not dating a TKE, but she's kinda cool so we let her hang out with us. hahah.

Me and Tiff on Halloween

Halloween: Skeeter, Tiff, Xander in front, Me, Nuge, and Rocky.

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